Originally Posted By: Fleming_Ave
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Who do you think teaches all this Far Left ethnic studies crap that indoctrinates modern theories of "whiteness" radical feminism, Marxism and deconstructionism, minority victimization and bullying?

How many college kids actually study ethnic studies or women's studies or things like that? I think most college kids are studying things like business because they want to make money. I don't think an "Ethnic Studies" professor has a lot of influence outside the campus, it's kinda irrelevant because not that many people study it. Not that many people care about it.

In colleges and universities across America students are forced to take Far Left "diversity training" courses that include sections on "Whiteness Studies," radical feminism, and other forms of modern victimization. So students are taught this Far Left form of ethnic studies without actually taking the courses. So it's not irrelevant. And clearly you've ignored the mass protests (which often include acts of violence) at Harvard, Princeton, UCLA, UCI, University of Missouri, etc. They force out professors who don't agree with them. Go to a site called "Campus Reform" which lists example after egregious example. In California the Democratic legislature is about to pass a bill that would force religious colleges and universities to adopt LGBTQ policies or face punishment, in clear violation of the First Amendment. So I'd suggest instead of just guessing what students are doing across the country, research it. There are also plenty of videos on YouTube documenting that these "protests" include violence.


Here is one example cited in the Huffington Post (lest you falsely accused this of being Fox News created hysteria): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mirah-riben/end-the-witch-hunt-in-def_b_8539402.html

There are plenty of other examples. All you have to do is look.