Originally Posted By: Fleming_Ave
Ivy, yes President Reagan was in office then. But it was really Guiliani as US Attorney who started to use RICO to run down the NYC families. That is why mob guys get put away all the time now.

Yes, there were several people who deserved credit. Robert Morhenthau (even before Giuliani) for example. And of course Blakey and McClellan who he gave the real credit for RICO. I'm not saying he was the only one but, on a national scale, the Reagan administration was a significant part of the renewed efforts against organized crime in the 1980s. Apparently some people weren't aware of this and want to give most of the credit to the Kennedys (for blatantly partisan reasons and nothing else) despite that was 20 years before and there was a big lull in the fight against the mob through the rest of the 1960s and the 1970s.

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Partisan Points Scoreboard:

Anyone still doubting this guy has detailed this thread?

Last edited by IvyLeague; 06/20/16 04:01 PM.

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