Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
I'm not saying anything's right or wrong, I'm just identifying the mindsets. Conservatives value the status quo, and naturally defend it. Part of that mentality is to humiliate anyone that threatens it. Liberals have to be pushed to the brink to behave like this. It's not in their nature. On the web, obviously, this happens a lot. Show me an angry liberal on the web, I'll show you someone that's been trolled and tormented by the right. Right wingers show up to the internet angry. They're there to troll.

This topic should probably get moved to off-topic, but I gotta respond to this post. It's pure B.S.

"Conservatives value the status quo." Bogus assertion. Depends on what the status quo is. The current status quo on a lot of issues is a left-wing status quo, so if a conservative politician wanted to go against current trends, he or she would be going against the status quo.

"Part of that mentality is to humiliate anyone that threatens it." More BS. To humiliate someone isn't a conservative trait, it's something that's individual to a person and doesn't reflect ideology. But if one looks at Twitter attacks and hateful replies on YouTube, they are mostly done by the Left-wing. When conservatives protest something they don't block traffic or physically assault their opponents, but left-wing protesters do all the time. Which side interrupts speakers on stage? Which group tries to ban speakers with whom they disagree at universities? It's always the Far Left. Conservatives don't disrupt speaking engagements, and if they do it's rare. Go on YouTube and watch videos of Ben Shapiro or Milo giving public speeches and try to guess the political side of those who are harassing and attacking them. No, the hate and humiliation is pretty much owned by the Left.

When you read Facebook pages you'll also notice that the mockery and trolling is almost exclusively from the Left there as well. Left-wingers also make false reports of violations on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to get conservatives banned, something that conservatives tend not to do because they believe in freedom of speech and the free market of ideas. For the Left, the ends justify the fascism. Just like the fact-free comments in your post that are nothing but assertions and would absolutely qualify as trolling.

By the way, nothing I wrote is to say that ALL left-wingers troll, spread hate, shut people down and censor, but a much larger proportion of them do it than those on the Right. Sometimes it comes so natural to them that they don't realize that they do it. So please don't make a straw man retort to claim that I wrote otherwise. Nor did I write that those on the Right never do it. Yet your post was full of those blanket statements, coming close to saying that all conservatives are devils and liberals are angels. And please don't use Donald Trump as counterexample. He's not a conservative.