Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Originally Posted By: hoodlum
Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
I was driving by the old Warfield Cafe last week where Joey Chang got shot 11 times which is now I think like Ruth's Express Cafe or some shit and like 5 Pagans and some lone satellite chapter whose patch was like lime green on the back (couldn't really tell what club) came fucking tearing ass past me and as I swerved to let them by on the 2 lanes getting on 76 one of em like smacked my bu lol mper for no reason scared the fuck outta me and my 1 year old baby girl in the back.....I realize this adds nothing to the thread but thought id vent how fuckin scumbaggy and white trash these fuckin 2 wheel riding cocksuckers are...end of my riveting story
What , u didn't give him the finger??LOL..

Hhaha fuck noo Hoodlum i did literally nothin cept driving a lil slow bc i had my lil girl in the car.. Plus im not intimidating anyone in my wifes Rav 4 with a baby seat and a pink Alpha Phi sticker on the back.. Pagans pry thought I was half a fag lol

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...