Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Oak- are you fucking illiterate or what?

SC- just my 2 cents so dont jump down my throat please...but i have to stick up for Ivy, I dont think he was writing anything inflammatory at all.

mikey, I'll give you the same warning. Asking someone if they are fucking illiterate has no place on these boards. It's rude and it is flaming; two things we want to avoid here. I don't give a rat's ass if you disagree with someone but do it respectfully. Ivy has been here long enough to know that, and so have you.

It is virtually impossible for me to read and review every posted message. I will comment on those in which I see something wrong.

Personally and FWIW, I am a registered Democrat. Even with that statement I guess the Dems have been, in general, more corrupt than the Republicans. Chicago and northern Jersey politics prove that but let's be honest that BOTH parties aren't all they pretend to be. Just my 2ยข.
