Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
The Wall Street looting is on Republicans. Republicans are notoriously for less regulation, and since the '80s Wall Street has been the mob's bread and butter. There is really nothing else when it comes to sophisticated, multi million dollar schemes. Can't corrupt the unions anymore. RICO ended that. Not to mention union membership is dwindling.

I'm sorry, but this whole mafia/unions/Democrats thing is so 1959. It's 2016. We just are not living in that world anymore.

Oak im not gonna shit on you bc ur a dem and im a republican but you're flat out wrong when it comes to the mob, unions and which party is more corrupt...the unions have ALWAYS voted democrat and the majority of mob corruption cases are always involving democrats...the entire 1st ward in Cook County Illinois is a prime example..that city and that ward is the most corrupt in the nation over the last century by far and its wholly been run by democrats who were tied in with the mob...pat marci was a made guy in the outfit and served as alderman an elected fuckin govt official for I think 2-3 decades!!!!

Want an east coast example?.. Newark Mayor Hugh Addonizio a democrat was bought and run by Richie the Boot and the NJ genovese and went to prison....mike Matthews the former mayor of AC bought and run by Scarfo..also went to prison...BOTH democrats...not to mention JFK won the ill and wv primaries in 1960 bc of the outfit and the teamsters again ALL democrat

Get ur facts straight and quit reading shit from CNN and MsNBC..the democrats have overwhelming been the most corrupt party aligned with the Mafia since the 1930s and thats not debatable..im not saying the Republicans arent guilty of corruption in other areas like oil companies and defense contracts..but when it comes to the mafia its always been the liberals end of discussion..they've even had wiseguys like Sam the Plumber, Momo Giancana and others on tape saying they always vote and back dems bc theyre historically friendly and bribable from members of OC..not sure where u got ur info from but in this case pal it's wrong

Pat Marcy.


Do you guys have anything from this century?

Oak- are you fucking illiterate or what? Did you read that fuckin original question from Nicky? It reads and I quote " I don't know if it affects things today, but back 30,40.50 years ago were conditions for the mob better under a Republican presidency or a Democratic one?"...i mean holy shit what did you think he was asking?

Hes very clearly asking about historically what party was better for the mob and I very clearly answered that with my examples. Before you spout off try reading the fuckin original thread before calling names and dismissing my response when I was 150% spot on. My answer unequivocally indicates that the DEMOCRATS have historically been the party that was better for the mob. I gave you 4 examples from the last 30, 40, 50 years WHICH IS WHAT NICKY WAS ASKING ABOUT.... Anything else you wrote is flat out wrong. It would be great if you could acknowledge your mistake and that Ivy and I were right..

SC- just my 2 cents so dont jump down my throat please...but i have to stick up for Ivy, I dont think he was writing anything inflammatory at all. Oak was being a prick and was completely off base with what the OP asked. If you go back and look at Oak's responses hes attacking Ivy and being rude himself so to me Ivy's vitriol was in response to that... I by no means am an Ivy fan considering I ask the guy questions and give him compliments on his mob knowledge and he responds condescending and rude sometimes...but his research and knowledge are spot on and I don't think in this case he was trying to stir shit or be inflammatory, merely responding to Oak's posts....again Just my 2 cents, not in any way telling you or the other mods what to do, you guys do a great job keeping this open forum running smooth and full of good shit..


Last edited by mikeyballs211; 06/15/16 05:50 PM.

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"