Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
And it is tiring, being that we had a big financial meltdown in 2008, and after all these years people still want to regurgitate the same conventional opinions about the "deregulation" that supposedly caused everything.

I asked you what was a more likely cause of the crash than deregulation, and you still haven't answered.

I didn't read your post as an actual question.

This also goes off topic but let's start with the fact that the craziness on Wall Street and the causes of the crash in 08 was 100% caused by government intervention in the market, and not "deregulation" the easy go to and lazy explaination.

Starting with the government created banking cartel, known as the Federal Reserve System which manipulates interest rates and destroys the natural market forces of supply and demand for money. Under Alan Greenspan rates were artificially suppressed which created the dot com bubble and eventually a housing bubble.

Artificially low interest rates distort the market system and encourage reckless behavior. Too much money and credit flood onto Wall Street through the banking system, and this encourages debt both in the private sector and in government. Big financial institutions become highly leveraged and to make matters worse, government promises bail outs in the case of failure.

Add On top of that politicians pushing regulations so that banks lend to people who obviously shouldn't qualify for home ownership. The new money coming from Wall Street which comes from the Fed then bids up the actual costs of homes which makes legitimately owning a home even more difficult. Total disaster.

Some how "deregulation" causes all of this?

How about the Fed stop flooding Wall Street with easy money so that it doesn't turn into a giant casino? Of course you can always make an argument for yet even more regulation when the entire system is inherently flawed to begin with. I'd rather strike at the root cause.