I coached a lot of foreign born soccer kids who are muslems. I never saw how they were with their religion. They were just happy to play. They were the ones who had to help me carry equipment to the practice field and the game field. The other players let me carry their stuff.

I very rarely saw their parents they were busy trying to earn a living.

It was always hard for me to hate because of religion, skin color and of sexual orientation. If any of these kids were gay they never did anything that would let people know it.

The only time one of the players seemed prejudiced against another player was with an Israeli born kid I had. He got that from his father. I knew his father here for about 5 years. I had to tell him that if I ever heard his son Allen say anything like that again he was off the team.

Never heard it again and I could see they all got a long while playing. I had a very good kid from Kuwait. If he got frustrated made a bad play he would say shit out loud. He gets booked by an official because the official thought he said it to him. I asked him how do you say it in Arabic he told me. I said if you feel the urge to say it again say it in your language. I would hear him say it every so often he never got a yellow for it after that smile

Incidently, they supposed to pray 5 times a day. If they are working or if praying interfere with school work. They could condense those prayers to three times a day.

They could pray in the morning 2 times before they go. One during the day and the other 2 when they go home at night.

So people would never actually see them pray.

only the unloved hate