Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
The Kennedys certainly went after the mob but their efforts died with them. Law enforcement really didn't get the backing they needed to go after the mob until the Reagan administration in the 1980s.

So, you're just going to double down on this fallacy, huh?

Research Bobby Kennedy's tenure at the Justice department. He added hundreds of agents to target the mob, when there had only been dozens or so up to 1960. He restructured the department around this agenda, meaning, his restructuring was PERMANENT, and still in effect to this day. It made way for the RICO act, a bill that was introduced by a DEMOCRAT, John McClennan of Arkansas, and which was essentially the final nail in the coffin for the mob's heyday.

Look, I get the Reagan admiration. I'm from California. Sacramento, of all places. Even Democrats here get all gushy over him. But man, you are just so far off in thinking that Reagan in any way spearheaded the federal government's crackdown on the mob. It's ridiculous, and rips about a hundred pages out of any history book. The Kennedy White House's aggression toward the mafia could be the reason the John and Bobby were killed. A lot of credible historians have come to this conclusion. After all, it well documented that they wanted to. The mob doesn't set out to kill a president because they consider him and his party to be allies.

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea