I agree to a large extent with everything you are saying, but I do think the competition you,mention in New York, is on the retail end. I just don't know of many groups on the wholesale level this side of the Atlantic competing with the Mexicans as far as cocaine. Ditto with the Calabrians on the other side of the Atlantic. Maybe ONLY the New York Dominicans...

I would bet that high grade marijuana in NY, comes from Canada, the British Colombia area, I once read in a book there are so many grow ops, it ranks as the highest concentration of organized crime operations in North Ameica. Also from Cali and Colorado as well, I mean I know guys who get it shipped direct to em, not just weed either,edibles, wax, oil.
The Vietnamese run grow,ops, but I thought they were west coast based.
The competition you mention, I think we are saying the same things in our post as far as the diversity, and intensity in NY.... I just see it on the retail,not supply ... Put it this way, with ALL the ethnicities, black, Hispanic, Asian, middle eastern, all these groups are going to, at the end of the day, buy wholesale fromDominicans, Mexican, or Colombians. And the Colombians and Mexicans are the prime movers...

I would also think the Colombians primary focus is supplying the European trade (Euro, more money, no need to cow tow to the Mexican cartels because of border dynamics.. For the same reasons I think the Dominicans remain the trusted middlemen, that and the shared language) I've read that they are completely ENTRENTCHED IN SPAIN, the Mexicans tried to make inroads, but were thrown out. Also, Brazil is the 3rd biggest coke market, maybe they retail there too..
But all in all, I guess it's fair to say the strongest narcotics syndicates, ARE NOT BASED in the US, even though this is the biggest market. And with the laws here, it's probably simply not smart ( outside of maybe providing financing) for the American mob to involve itself.

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 06/07/16 07:34 AM.