@ Ivey

I get you, but I think you are too quick to dismiss what I'm saying, I think it's weird for you to say, "Whatever their involvement, won't make them top family". When we don't have a clear understanding of WHAT THAT INVOLVEMENT IS EXACTLY AT THIS POINT. Also a little naive about the world as it is today.
It's like climent said with the patterns, this isn't some fanboy shit, or wishful thinking. There are two super dominant criminal groups in the world today, and they both deal narcotics extensively. And to the best of my knowledge, the Gambinos are the only American mafia family confirmed to be plugged in to the network. (Not only that, but NewBridge showed all three mafias working together seamlessly...)
I made a point before of bringing up the New Bridge arrest, and the numbers thrown out, believe me Ivey, with the channels these people have set up, they have created a money flood. Look at Canada, all these murders are not over some gambling operations or construction unions. This is who controls the money flood of narcotics. I'm not saying the Gambinos are automatically stronger, but I think the drugs make up for a lot of whatever they might lack as far as sophistication. I mean drugs alone took the Rizzutos from a crew, to an organization on par with the TOP MAFIA FAMILY in America.
Now as far as the Northeast, it's not competitive at all, only on the street level, retail level. And you can't control the entire market in NY on the street level, you can in certain areas, but it would take too much manpower to control every corner, bar, club, basically every possible distribution point in a city as big as New York. You can only control it from the supply/importation end of it. And let me tell you, South of Canada, the Mexicans HAVE NO COMPETITION AT ALL. Show me a group outside of the Colombians (and I'm not sure how true this still is, with the Mexicans making inroads into Peru) that can beat their prices? Who? For cocaine? Their cheap heroin? That's why I wonder where it leaves the Dominicans. Same on the other side of the Atlantic, the calabrians have such trusted relations with Colombians that they get shipments on consignment. That leverage is what made them the top cocaine brokers, no one is beating those prices. It's no surprise that they are basically sharing the global cocaine market.

It's a point I guess I failed to make in the other thread about the drug trade. New York is the biggest market, but like you point out, it's the most diverse and fractured one as well, you can only control it by controlling the supply end.
To be the biggest drug dealer in Baltimore, you find the biggest dealers with the most territory. Take Brooklyn, do you sell to the biggest gang in Bedstuy, Brighton Beach, Sunset Park? If I'm black, even if I have a solid connect, can I actually DEAL with Russians, or the Chinese? Or middle easterners? A hispanic trafficker will deal with other Spanish speaking criminals right? But this type of clannish practice leaves you limited to specific areas or populations right? How could a Black, Spanish, Asian, or Italian trafficker take over a territory, outside of their own ethnicity? If I want to dominate the drug trade in Brooklyn, which group do I pick? The answer is you have to pick ALL OF THEM, and you do this by selling them wholesale quantities' and then you can have influence over the entire trade.This is the genius of a guy like Rizzuto, he plugs into the white, Hispanic, black, Asian markets, like he has contacts with EVERY GROUP, thus maximizing his control over the overall trade.

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 06/07/16 06:07 AM.