Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
I also wondered what affect the Gambinos involvement with Ndrangheta would have on the power structure in NY.

I'll say it again, it's why the Queens coke bust with hints of Genovese/Calabrian collaboration was so interesting to me. I saw it as ( if it's actually true) a Genovese response to the Gambinos moves with the calabrians. Or it could be just like in the sixth family, where the Italians from Italy are initiating these alliances, and not exactly taking no for an answer.

New York appears to be a converging point right now, The Mexicans want it,but may have to settle for heroin. The calabrians are moving in, as they already are pretty close to securing their own gateway, i.e. Montreal, once they get that sewn up, there will probably be a lot of consolidation with the shipments as everyone will use Montreal since it's under Calabrian control now. Maybe we will see much more retail presence in NY from the calabrians as they open up bars and clubs or whatever.I don't know where all this will leave the Dominicans, I guess they will keep retail in NY, may have to compete with the Mexican cartels for wholesale on the East coast pretty soon I'm not sure, it depends on how much coke comes-gets through the Caribbean...

It's like the genovese have access to union treasuries, like they will always have cash for loans, and to back gambling operations right? That's what I see the gambinos drug operations as, money machines to underwrite their other traditional mob rackets. It's the one thing that gives me pause to automatically putting the Westside number one...

I think you're too quick to jump to certain conclusions or engage in hypotheticals. In any case, whatever the Gambino's involvement in the drug trade, it won't make them the top family.

The Northeast, and New York in particular, remains the most diverse and competitive when in comes to narcotics. The latest reports have the Mexicans being the dominant drug group as far north as Philadelphia/South Jersey. But in the New York metropolitan area (which includes North Jersey, the northern suburbs, and part of Connecticut) they still have to compete with Colombians, Asians, Cubans, and others (including the Italians) who are involved in the drug trade.

Originally Posted By: Ciment
Now your telling me that LCN are not dealing in drugs. I guess all these books, and movies on the LCN are all a fabrication. Oh yes the press is also not telling the truth we can't believe them either. Here goes those words Fantasy Land again !

The American mob certainly is involved in drug trafficking, especially the NY families. But, while it is one of their core businesses, it's not their primary racket like it is for the mob in Montreal or the Ndrangheta in Europe. Gambling is. The opposite could be said for those groups. The Montreal groups and Ndrangheta clans are involved in gambling but drugs are their primary racket.

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