Oh sorry, it got me thinking because I was reading Lou Ferrante's book and he was talking about various bad habits in jail

Eg guys fighting over the toilet roll (so they can use it as a pillow)
Some guy farting out loud shitting in the toilet inside holding cell
like he doesn't have a care in the world despite everyone looking on
Another aging mobster who allegedly paid to have sex with a punk/ tranny

So just got me thinking about various bad habits.... Eg Gotti shared a cell with Georgie Mortorano.... Georgie must have seen hundreds of weird habits that become the norm when u spend day and night with someone (that Gotti would usually hide from others on the streets) but inside after a while it becomes hard t hide old habits

And would someone like Gotti jerk off as funny or weird as that sounds... Not just him, but any respected made guy. Would that be seen as a punk move or is it fine by prison standards even for a highly regarded guy.