Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Ciment
I am just stating a pattern that is going on. You and your friends are making accusations on things I did not say and using mockery and insults to prove your points rather than trying to understand my view point. I am not trying to convince people but to state my point as intellectually as possible and I respect other peoples viewpoints even if they differ from mine but if you want to conduct yourselves as children then go ahead and have your fun. This is the end of my conversation with you tough guy.

You're predicting the Ndrangheta is going to take over. For years people said the same things about the Sicilians. It never happened and neither will your prediction. Furthermore, even in today's American mob, turncoats are still very much the minority. People talk about "everybody lining up to rat" but it's hyperbolic nonsense. If it were true, the NY families really would be finished like the predictions 20 years ago asserted.

Exactly i mean for example..... how many mobsters has the genovese family had for instance...800?... 1000? over the last 50 years and only 7 informants

Being an informant isnt actually that common...your buying into the media press bullshit. For starters being an informer will get you killed even today, and or you will be kicked out of the life...have to watch your back and wont have an contacts to make money...

Try getting a job as ex mafia rat...goodluck [ask john alite, hes broke}