If you where to pick one boss from any organization, in any era, who would be seen as the most powerful and feared person EVER?

I mean everyone group of bad asses:

Mexican Cartels
Russian Mafia

(I know I left out a lot, too many to list)

The easy answer would be to figure out who made the most money but I don't think that is always the case....I am sure there were plenty of guys who made tons of money but who would shit in their pants at the mention of an impending disagreement with a person like Carmine Galante.

I also think that people who had no qualms about breaking all the rules would be seen as the most feared...Meaning they would kill women, children, nuns, priests, judges, politicians, family members, whoever stood in their way.

So, who do you all think it is/was?
Who stands in a league of their own?