Originally Posted By: slick
Well Blackjack2121, I think it's possible for someone to have two profiles lol. I also find it strange someone would have their profile name the same as another persons' website name. But whatever you can have any profile name you want. I don't mind reading Scott's articles, even though I usually know everything in them, there has been some new information here or there on Chicago.

Well, I have been around and been around on other boards and Scott isnt the type of guy from what I know of him to make fake profiles...I don't see why it is so hard to believe GR has nothing to do with Scott, simply liked his site and used the name

Waste of time we are even rehashing this...we went through it when he first registered

Hell, I even gave him shit when he first came here...but he is a good poster and not Scott Burnstein.

Now can we drop it?

Onto the thread...I always thought LaPiana would make a good boss...better than Jackie. So he is basically street boss now I guess

Jackie really has withdrawn...Tony has what...10 years or more on the kid age wise?