There is a prophecy of Father Pius on the return of the monarchy in Italy

Father Pius, already before the outbreak of World War II, had announced, during a touching meeting, to the then Princess of Piedmont, Maria Jose - then last Queen of Italy - that the House of Savoy would lost the throne and that the main plant of the family it would be dried but that "and a branch shall would blossom restoring honor and strength to the family by getting back the kingdom".
to the Saint, a few months before his death, he was taken the son of Amedeo of Savoy and Claude of France, Aimone. Father Pius just saw the small would have exclaimed "baby, before thee there is honor and majesty." The phrase troubled the present, and shortly after the Holy monk, wanted by talking to some of his "spiritual sons" who after his death was a bas-relief made of which was in some way consecrated his prophecy. The work was actually sculpted.
In the crypt in San Giovanni Rotondo, where until recently lay the body of the saint, the bas-relief shows a scene that is unbelievable: there appear the Madonna with Baby Jesus in her lap and St. Joseph. Before the holy family, Father Pius holding in his arms a lamb. Appears then a group of young men and a girl kneeling around the holy family. All components are represented in the representation of traditional clothes. All except two characters: the same Father Pius, in the Franciscan habit, and one of the boys portrait in modern dress suit. A closer look at the latter figure is to remain stunned: the boy has the appearance of Aimone of Savoy and wearing the collar of the Annunciation (supreme honor of Savoy) given by King Umberto II Aimone when the young man was 15 years old. Title: "Beauty and royalty are round about you"