There will never be another monarchy in Scotland...whilst I don't hate the queen etc, aside from the real big hitters, they are generally parasites. We've endured and financed the silly charade for too long and if the Scottish people achieved independence this would be about as high up the agenda as dog shit in the street

For my teacher the monarchies are relics of the Middle Ages. Said so if want to change name of to lord Chambers to sente and all the lord must be elected and if the state dont give a penny to the Royal and impose them to pay the taxes on everything; well I think that can stay a queen or a king but shouldn't stay on the people sholders. And until the english people love monarchy its ok.
For the referendum, if the irish this year for the 100 years from the easter rising made the referendum for merce Eire and ulteriori and win for sure the Scots will try again to be indipendent. But this my opinion.