Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
Originally Posted By: dinocrocetti
Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
From wiki

Greene had requested Birns for a loan of $75,000. Greene wanted the money to set up a "cheat spot," a speakeasy and gambling house. Therefore, Birns had arranged a loan for Greene through the Gambino family. Somehow later, the money wound up in the hands of Billy Cox, a numbers operator, who used it to purchase narcotics. The police raided his house, arrested him, seized the narcotics and what was left of the $75,000. The Gambino family, from whom Birns had borrowed the loan, wanted their money. Birns pressed Greene but Greene flatly refused to return the money; instead asserting that it wasn't his fault that it got lost.

Soon after Birns gave 25000 $ to an hitman for kill Greene but all attempt was unsuccessfull and Greene made a bomb that killed Birns.

wikipedia sucks furio, never copy and paste that garbage bc it will destroy your credibility. what is your question regarding DG and SB?

Dino Allday27 post the question and I was curious of know who's the Gambino soldier that give the money that all. I know that wiki sucks but I see it just because i don rber the whole story.

you should try using another source for general information furio. there are many other sites to get information from