since it's NJ......of course...more delays

Christie's name must be on the list.

Updated 1 hr 15 mins ago
NEWARK, New Jersey (WABC) --
A federal appeals court has decided not to allow a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the 2013 George Washington Bridge lane-closing scandal to be released Tuesday.

A federal judge ruled last week that the list should be released, but one of the people on the list has challenged that to a federal appeals court, arguing that his due process rights will be violated if the list is published and he would be branded a criminal. "John Doe" was granted a stay, and the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia will take up the appeal, with oral arguments scheduled for June 6.

Bruce Rosen, an attorney for media organizations fighting for the list, has rejected the anonymous man's claims.

Two former allies of Gov. Chris Christie have been indicted and face trial this fall. A third pleaded guilty.

Here are some things to know about the list and its contents, from the Associated Press:


An unindicted co-conspirator is someone who was involved in a conspiracy to commit a crime but hasn't been criminally charged. It is not, experts say and contrary to some interpretations, someone who merely knew about a conspiracy.

"A co-conspirator means you're part of the criminal conspiracy - you're in it like the others," said Bradley Simon, a white-collar defense attorney and former federal prosecutor.

Also, just because unindicted co-conspirators aren't facing criminal charges now doesn't mean they couldn't eventually, Simon said.


Unindicted co-conspirators can be people who were involved in a conspiracy but whom prosecutors don't feel they have enough evidence against to gain a conviction. They also can be people who haven't been indicted because they are cooperating with the government.

Of greater importance to prosecutors, Simon and other defense attorneys say, is that under an exception to the hearsay evidence rule, statements by an unindicted co-conspirator can be allowed at a trial without having to put the person on the witness stand.


An attorney for John Doe, who is seeking to block the list's release, argued in court filings that publishing it would unfairly brand her client as a criminal without giving him the chance to prove otherwise, in violation of due process protections.

Attorneys representing several media organizations, including The Associated Press, have argued that the public interest in seeing the list outweighs privacy concerns and that due process doesn't extend to protecting a person's reputation.

In a letter Monday to the judge who originally ordered the list's release last week, attorney Bruce Rosen requested that, if the appeals court sides with John Doe, the list be released with his name redacted.


If the list is made public, it could provide insight into the government's case against two former allies of Republican Gov. Chris Christie who were indicted last year and face trial this fall.

It also could contradict the findings of a taxpayer-funded report by a Christie-hired law firm that placed most of the blame on former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly, one of those indicted, and former Port Authority of New York and New Jersey official David Wildstein, who has pleaded guilty.

The conclusion of the 360-page report issued by Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher in 2014 exonerated Christie and found "no evidence that anyone else in the Office of the Governor, besides Kelly, had any advance knowledge of the lane realignment or was otherwise involved in orchestrating or approving it."

Several key players, including Kelly, Wildstein and Bill Baroni, the former Port Authority executive indicted with Kelly, declined to be interviewed by the law firm.

If the list includes current or former officials of the Port Authority, the operator of bridges, tunnels, airports and ports in the New York region, it could further damage the reputation of an agency whose public image has been battered by the bridge scandal and several spinoff investigations into possible conflicts of interest and backroom dealing.
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