Most Italian Americans in the NY area live in the suburbs not the 5 boroughs except for Staten Island (because it is a suburb-like environment). For example, Westchester County, Long Island, New Jersey, etc... There are very small pockets in Brooklyn Queens and the Bronx but Latinos (mostly), Chinese, Indians, etc have moved into the neighborhoods Ralphie mentioned above. And some of the old mafia neighborhoods like Red Hook and Williamsburg are now ultra-trendy with sky-high prices and full of yuppies.

Also, "mobbed up neighborhood" used to mean a place with a lot of mob activity in the neighborhood. Now it just means a place where mobsters happen to live. Most are older, and most of the activity doesn't take place in the street or bars, etc...

I live in Queens and there are latino gangs stabbing kids in the playgrounds so that's most of the activity I see...