I’ve been communicating with three of the producer/location people from GFII. They all remember the site, but it was so long ago, blah, blah, blah. They are all pretty old.

One, however, said he was sure it was in Catania, and described De Niro driving the car. So, I started searching in Catania. Catania isn’t merely a city, but a province as well. So, I started contacting anybody I could think of in the area, who might know. I managed to talk to a tour agent who knew the approximate location. She didn’t have an exact address, and said it is nearly destroyed. She also said she didn’t know who the owner was, but that it wasn’t accessible to the public. She said it is close to the town of Acireale, between Santa Tecla and Strazzo, which narrows it down further. So, I Google map searched that stretch.

I also figure, from looking closely at the second scene with the house, that it must face southward. Just before Vito guts Don Ciccio, you can see the sea behind him, and he is facing toward the left where Don Ciccio is snoozing on the front porch.

So, now all I have to do is drive up and down all the east-west running streets between Santa Tecla and Strazzo, looking to the right (north) for the house. Hopefully the front gate, or something is recognizable.

That’s the plan for now. I have a couple of contacts, that I got from my Hollywood producer contacts, who are in Rome, and apparently were location scouts for the film. So, I might be able to narrow it down further before I leave for Sicily in June.

If anybody has any other ideas, clues, thoughts, experience in the area, contacts, etc. please let me know. I’ll post pictures when I return in July.

That’s the plan.