Poetic justice.......the releasing of the names of bridge gate conspirators is...............delayed.. smile


excerpt of article

A federal judge Friday put the brakes on releasing the names of the suspected Bridgegate conspirators.

Judge Susan Wigenton delayed the release until Tuesday after lawyers for a "John Doe" filed a last-minute motion to stop it from being revealed.

They contended that would unfairly tar their client as part of a criminal conspiracy to punish the mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing Gov. Chris Christie's re-election by deliberately tying up traffic on the George Washington Bridge. They noted that this person had not been charged with a crime.

It's a long shot. Wigenton, in her earlier ruling, pointed out that the names on the list belong to people for "whom the Government has sufficient evidence to designate as having joined the conspiracy."

The judge added that while "privacy for third-parties is indeed important," she said that was outweighed in this case by the public's right to know about the shocking scandal that arguably put a big dent in the once-popular Republican governor's presidential ambitions.

Wigenton had ordered the list released on Tuesday after a consortium of media outlets that includes NBC Universal pushed to make it public. U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman could have appealed the decision. Notably, he didn't.

Christie has already said it's "highly doubtful" his name is on the list. But most of the people suspected of being part of the scheme are believed to be his allies.