Oh...you thought I forgot. When it comes to this bet, NJ will never let me down. Like the kanye west song from first album

one thing I've found....one thing I've found...NJ will let me down....down...down...down..

Judge Orders Release of Secret 'Bridgegate' Names

TRENTON, N.J. (CN) — A secret list of unindicted co-conspirators involved in the state's "Bridgegate" scandal could be released as soon as Friday, following a ruling by a federal judge.
The list, which has been kept under lock and key, is thought to include additional elected officials who had knowledge of the 2013 lane shutdowns leading to the George Washington Bridge that led to a massive traffic jam.
The judge hearing the case found arguments that the list is essentially already public knowledge persuasive. Further, the names on the list are likely elected or appointed officials, the judge ruled, which makes the list in the public interest.
"The underlying events that gave rise to the indictment have been extensively covered by the media, such that even persons tangentially involved have already been identified and exposed in the press," Judge Susan Wigenton wrote in her May 11 ruling. "There is very little that is private about the lane closures or the lives of the people allegedly connected to them."
The so-called Bridgegate scandal stems from a five-day shutdown of several lanes leading onto the George Washington Bridge that snarled traffic for hours. Bridget Anne Kelly and William Baroni Jr. were charged with conspiracy and fraud for their alleged roles in shutting down the lanes as political payback to Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, who had declined to endorse Gov. Chris Christie in his re-election bid for governor.
When asked if he thought his name would be on the list of unindicted co-conspirators, Christie told reporters Wednesday "I don't believe so, but I guess no one knows until they actually put the list out."

rest of the article is here


NOW....these people aren't indicted.....but something tells me that before the bet is over...they will be found guilty of something else.