Tony having done a semester at College, when the whole story was that he was always destined to follow his father into the life.

It just seems abit unrealistic to me, if Tony was looking to impress his old man, then i doubt the last thing he'd be doing was enrolling into college courses and focusing on higher education in the hopes of some legit career.

How he even had the grades to get into college either, would imply he was academically good at school previously, which again seems abit of a stretch.

The flashback scene with him and Tony B, he looks nothing like a budding wiseguy either and must be in his early 20s at that point. Tony looks more like a college stoner in that scene lol.

To be honest all the flashback scenes of younger Tony, nothing in his demeanor really implied he would be capable of turning into a ruthless mob boss.

But then again maybe that was the whole point of these scenes, to show Tony in a softer manner, before turning into what he did.

Last edited by afriendofours; 05/11/16 05:45 AM.