Originally Posted By: getthesenets
The story about JC and hiphop is sort of a dirty little secret. LOT of people in early hip hop culture were from NJ, but downplayed it because if you weren't from NY, you weren't official.

Specifically about JC, the Awesome 2....Teddy Ted and Special K....credited with the first hiphop radio show on earth, were from JC....but the show was based in NY.

I never knew they were Jersey guys until a few years back. ..and I can count on 4 fingers the acts from JC that have ever come out(saying they were from Jersey), so I'm probably wrong about JC's hip hop roots.

That's a good call,Revis...gonna look that up. As a guy from Newark, I didn't associate Jersey with hip hop really until the Flavor Unit came about.

On a side note, for the longest time I thought your pic was bubba from Forrest Gump but since I've been watching the wire a lot I now know that it's Marlo haha