no one has been convicted yet thats why i put it on that list and i meant to put in the luchese list

here is what capeci had to say recently
not full article not board breaking rules

Bronx ADA To Top Brooklyn Fed: We'll Take Manhattan

A top federal prosecutor in Brooklyn sought — but failed — to take over a long-running investigation into a bloody 2013 mob rubout in the Bronx that was being conducted jointly for more than a year by the Bronx District Attorney's office and the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's office.

As Gang Land reported last year, the Bronx DA's office obtained an indictment of two suspects in the gangland-style slaying of Michael Meldish, the onetime head of a notorious mob-tied crew of drug dealers dubbed the Purple Gang. Meldish, a Luchese associate was shot to death in the driver's seat of his car in front of his Throgs Neck home on November 15, 2013. In their joint probe, the Manhattan prosecutors also hit one of the murder suspects with federal gun charges.

But sources tell Gang Land that Nicole Argentieri, then-deputy chief of the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney's organized crime unit, told Bronx assistant district attorney Christine Scaccia to "stand down" on the case because she had developed a mob turncoat who had important information about the killing. Argentieri told Scaccia she was working to charge the murder as part of a racketeering indictment, sources said.

The sharp elbows from the Brooklyn fed didn't sit well with the veteran Bronx prosecutor, who serves as deputy chief of homicide prosecutions, and of her office's Gangs-Major Case Bureau.

"Why would I do that," Scaccia replied, according to one of several sources who have told Gang Land about the brief conversation between the two prosecutors. "I'm a homicide prosecutor, and I'm indicting people for a murder in the Bronx. You do whatever you want to do."

It's unclear whether Argentieri, who now heads the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney's anti-corruption unit, or her office, ever began an investigation into the murder, or if she forwarded whatever info she had to her federal counterparts in Manhattan. Argentieri, Scaccia, and the federal prosecutors in Manhattan all declined to comment.

Meanwhile, the indicted murder suspects, Luchese mobster Christopher Londonio and associate Terrence Caldwell have been cooling their heels behind bars — Londonio in federal custody, Caldwell at Riker's Island — as the Bronx DA's office waits for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's office to turn the Meldish slaying into a federal case.

Scaccia, who convicted Meldish's brother Joseph of a 2007 killing five years ago, has been trying murder cases in the Bronx for more than 20 years. She obtained the indictment of Londonio, 42, and Caldwell, 57, in June but since then has made no effort to move the case along — in what appears to be a stalling tactic designed to give the feds time to put together a federal prosecution.

Sources, as well as records in state and federal court files, indicate that should happen soon.

In January, Scaccia told Bronx Judge Steven Barrett that she expected the feds to take over the case before the next scheduled status conference, which is scheduled for April 5. A Manhattan Federal Court status conference in a related federal weapons indictment against Londonio is scheduled for April 8.

Sources say one factor slowing the process is whether the feds can muster enough evidence to charge former Luchese family "street boss" Matthew Madonna, who was known to have been feuding with Meldish in the months before he was killed, with ordering the slaying.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion