Genovese dominate JC , have big legit businesses there , especially garbage , recycling and trucking plus check cashing and unions, some towing. Hoboken and Bayonne are basically on top of JC so some might look at the whole area as the same - Hudson county .

The political environment is very favorable to their core rackets , with major money coming out of the area. Plus some guys plowed money into real estate that were huge scores , for sure the result of tips , and there is a lot of construction. Also remember the ports are in JC with alot of longshoreman there . With the union pull and trucking, they are basically part of the business culture.

Basically JC is saturated with white collar rackets - real savy operators , whereas Bayonne is probably one of the top blue collar rackets around in gambling and shy. You won't read a lot about JC and LCN, probably the result of the nature of the rackets , allowing guys to hide behind business but it is a very important area. I could be wrong but I don't see any other crew then the one now making any major inroads - too important , would have to clear some real hurdles .