Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
A newspaper clipping from the time has Luciano going to police in Naples and telling them he was slapped at a racetrack.

If that really happened, and Luciano reacted this way, I can only imagine that he wanted to create an alibi for when underworld vengeance was exacted upon the assaulter.

Other than creating an alibi, there is no other reason for Luciano to go to police about a slap....if he in fact did this and it wasn't a story completely cooked up and planted by law enforcement to defame him.

The slap may never have happened. Newspapers get their information from police oftentimes. Maybe in Italy back then it worked the same way.

A big clue is that the "witness" to the slapping supposedly brought to the police by Luciano...was the slapper. So something is not right with that story. If the only witness to something is someone untrustworthy or with a motive to lie, then the whole story is on a weak premise. Pirozzi as a rival underboss of the Camorra would have plenty of motive to spread a false story, through the police, and then through the media, about him slapping Luciano and Luciano running to the police.

I don't believe it.

That's the thing, there isn't one source which says Pirozzi accompanied Luciano to the police station or acted as a witness. Giacomo made it up. There's literally a whole thread on The Black Hand Forum of him consistently lying, by involving lesser known names, with dates and places, with completely fictional ones, which has now been pointed out in this thread. I'm very interested in finding out if this slap occurred or not, and there are multiple sources which say it did, but they attribute the slap to at least three different Camorristi, and Giacomo Vacari is not helping at all. These forums are for research, not for some douchebag to come along and interrupt a geniune thirst for knowledge with his frugazy stories. And other than the slap situation, there are numerous reports of Luciano losing favor after spending so many years in Italy, whether its with his former drug partners or his used to be allies in New York. I admire Luciano for what he did as much as the next guy, but I don't think it's that far fetched that he may have been assaulted and due to his lack of influence with The Camorra and the Sicilian Mafia itself, that nothing came of it. But I don't know for sure and I'm trying to learn about this situation.

I should've known something was up with Giacomo after he claimed the Buffalo Family had a crew and operations in Canada. When they barely still "operate" in Buffalo, today.