With all the issues the current & future mayor face with a waterfall size problems, our suggestion going in the container with the toilet tissue. LoL.

Honestly I don't follow much of the BLM activists and unaware of their ideas. In regards to the black community, there's quite a lot of push against the criminality. It's those careless and misguided hardhead element that have a narrow minded views. The rest could be nonchalant , fearful , selfish , and/or clannish about this segment of their community. At the same time, outsiders don't generally view these misfortunes as individual cases. The scenario is closely akin to "Walk in another person shoes" .

Mississippi too damn corrupt lol Our governor just approved the House Bill 1523 aka "Religious Liberty Accommodation Act" recently and will be effective July 1 this year. LGBT community is going up the mountain top when it happens.

I might make a topic in the general section about it and everyone can google the bill to read the contents. First, I'm going to make a topic that will undoubtedly stir up the wasp nest ( Japanese ones! lol). Just thinking of a title and approach.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb