Hey BF,

When we get done with all this maybe we ought to submit it to the mayor (or maybe the next one; I don't think Rahm Emanuel is open to serious ideas LOL), what do you think? wink

A. I think there's some good ideas from the different think tanks, like the Manhattan Institute, Project 21, Brookings Institute, etc. Haven't seen anything specific to these questions, because they assume something that hasn't happened yet. I don't think the two ideas that I heard from BLM are right. Decreasing police presence generally results in increased crime. It would be better to train and enforce police act polite, train them to deal with mental illness, involve community leaders in more effective ways, etc. BLM also advocates releasing more people from prison. Which people? Murderers? Rapists? or low-level drug dealers? I haven't seen specific details nor how they would justify or explain them. The general idea of increasing education can be addressed by school choice vouchers, more vocational training, etc. I think what is often neglected is that the community has to develop a mindset that shames and discourages criminal behavior. It has to come from within, but outside forces can encourage this development.

B. There were plenty of times in the past when things were worse. The 42 Gang terrorized Taylor Street and the Black Hand terrorized Little Italy. But we can't do anything about the past. We have to come to a point where people say, "Enough." I reached that point a long time ago, but who am I?

C. Yes, my definition is broad, but I'm not asking for FBI involvement except for sitting on some sort of oversight committee or similar. This is more for local and state authorities. Maybe the federal attorney would have to increase staffing, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Enjoy this too. You've got a lot of insight to offer. I'm sure they could use some of that in Mississippi smile

Last edited by Faithful1; 04/07/16 01:26 AM.