A. Do I really need to get down to the fine details? That would require at least a think tank. For now it's just you and me. For youth selling, I would rather see something redemptive. Some sort of volunteer work, something positive. There could also be some sort of fine that involves taking from the proceeds of the transaction.

B. I thought I only wrote that Lee used the title, not that he coined it. This article traces the origin of the word: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/04/22/how-chicago-became-chiraq.html. The word is a hyperbole: an exaggeration to make an important point. I don't think it was meant to be taken literally, but for effect. Maybe if President Obama and the media had given more attention to taking on these murders more would be done to alleviate them, is the thinking.

C. My cause isn't a revolution or any of those other things. My cause is an intervention, like how loved ones confront an individual is ruining his or her life. My cause is also saving lives and not wanting more innocents who just happen to be in the way either losing their lives or having permanently damaged ones. And the FBI doesn't regulate drugs, it's the FDA and state and county regulators. There would have to be a diversion of resources to concentrate on dealing with "harm to others" crimes and property, and not "harm to self." "Harm to self" can also be dealt with medically, psychologically and spiritually. But I know people who frequently smoke pot, are adults, and have no desire to change. They are also not hurting other people or committing crimes (other than using weed). Personally, I think it should only be used if there's a medical reason. A new study shows that it is harmful: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...onal-study.html