Hey BF. I'll give a quick rundown on your replies:

1) Obviously each community would determine its own laws, but these are my suggestions.
A) Prisoners convicted of drug crimes would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. There are people doing more time for drug crimes than murder, which IMO is wrong. Some are in prison as a result of a plea bargain. If they did no "harm to others" crime, then yes, they would be released. If they sold drugs in such a way that violates decriminalization, such as selling to children or forcing another to use drugs against their will, or evading taxes on it, then they do merit prison. Same with being under the influence while driving. The restrictions would be similar to alcohol and tobacco. Also, let's say a business sells marijuana at X strength, but it's really Y strength. That's fraud, which is a form of theft and a property crime.

2) Spike Lee used "Chiraq" to draw attention to the high murder rate in Chicago, and I think there was a study that compared it to Iraq during the Iraq War, and Chicago (at times) had a higher rate. Plus, this topic is about Chicago killings, so it's relevant. I used the word terrorist in its most literal sense. The violent criminals are terrorizing their communities. Today when people think of terrorism they think of ISIS, but back in the early 1900s when the Black Hand was extorting businesses and blowing up buildings, the Black Handers were called terrorists. So under this older definition there doesn't have to be a political or religions aspect to it, just terror.

So what would constitute terrorism in this sense? Gangsters indiscriminately shooting into crowds, shooting/killing in connection with robbery/burglary/rape, etc. In the case of a justifiable revenge shooting, if the shooter seeking revenge carefully goes after the target to make sure no one else can be harmed, that would NOT be terrorism. If a gang forces someone to join a gang by intimidation, that is terrorism. I understand revenge for someone killing your child or a spouse (that's what I mean justifiable), but gang revenge can be for anything, such as disrespect, crossing out a gang sign, etc.

Domestic shootings can be a form of domestic violence or even domestic terrorism. If a spouse is beating and threatening a spouse, that's terrorism. Yes, this older definition of terrorism is broad, but maintains the word terror. Spouses and communities should live in terror. Bullying can be a form of terrorism.

Appreciate the long post, so nothing to apologize for. Iron sharpens iron, and in-depth discussions can result in better answers.