Indeed it have gotten off tracks a page ago and that individual responsible still haven't answered the question you posted.

1. I see your point about decriminalized drugs but I still disagree. It become legal then what about all the criminals behind bars arrested for dealing it recently? Do their sentence lighten and the ones that still going to sell it on the streets? Do you keep the same penalties or reduce sentence ? Confiscate and slap on the wrist? I'm picturing legalize hard drugs going through corporate circulation mirroring tobacco companies. You going to see more people casually sitting around snorting coke at the picnic table or shooting smack under the shade and cops riding by thinking back in the day this crap wouldn't happen. Let include the children perspective as well. No matter if you present the facts straightforward in the public, we still have to deal with those delinquents ( all ages).

2. Yes , The most violent needs to be removed but sentencing those for domestic issues another story as well. I disregard the "infamous" titles of our cities base off murders. Comparing homicides in a city to an entire country is ridiculous unless that city's homicides are higher of course. Chicago being the kickball topic for violent crimes in which it leads the country for the past couple years. It's homicides is terrible but not since the 70s or early 90s scale ( with the exception for this year sadly). Not a the shooters should be viewed as terrorist and their reasoning is what makes that label inconsistent.

Example, The murder of Tyshaun Lee due to nicking between to 2 decks of rivals , his father was arrested for shooting in revenge. He's not intimidating his community but seeks vengeance on those immediate involved and their love ones. Therefore a random civilian that's uninvolved shouldn't be concerned unless they are associating with either sides personally. Let take this recent case, 12 year old ( I think) shot in the chest for not throwing up the crown. A car of 4 gang members pulls up to him and yell/demand this random kid to display a gang sign but he just froze up, someone in the car shot him ( Kid is in hospital, I pray he makes a recovery). That's intimidating and deadly force, treat those type of gang membership like extremist when they can't tell the difference between neutrals & affiliations or due it intentional. In both cases we ( outsiders) don't know the full story to what started both previous cases. As a local rapper & west side GD said " that most of these killings are because of REVENGE ". Personal loses and resentment adds more fuel to the fire. On top of these plus domestic killings, there's still OC killings but we can't make out due to these dozens of other slayings.

Sorry for the long wind post. When your investigating and paying attention to details with Chicago homicides it's more in depth than just some petite gang bangers.

-> Ralphie

" Blacks are more likely to commit murder"
Isn't factual when your nor taking into consideration individual lifestyles. That's about opinionated as saying " Blacks are more likely to become pro athletes and entertainers in there life". Cut the crap. View strictly those counts and you'll see who do the most in different categories but overall Whites & Blacks TOGETHER are the predominately participants in crimes in our country ( No this ain't no Komba Ya Hold Hands statement it just common sense).

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb