Originally Posted By: getthesenets

thanks for the heads up.

Why do you think that there are always inaccuracies in these documents. I've watched a lot of doc.s about history and generally when they reach an event/incident that there are conflicting views on, they at least mention that.

The crime doc.s and specifically mafia docs ALWAYS omit or distort facts.

I've noticed this on on projects that aren't "jazzed up" for mainstream audiences. The information is out there, from scholars of the topic(like you) or from reporters who covered these stories.

Why do they always get things wrong?

Sorry for taking so long to get back here. I don't visit this section that often.

Why do so many movies get things wrong? The screenwriters who think they know better than the researchers and authors. I know several people, for example, who were interviewed for "The Making of the Mob" and they were so disappointed that they told people not to watch it. A couple told me they spoke with the producers and screenwriters and said "this is what happened" and they changed it because they wanted to hype things up in the belief it would garner more ratings. How is it going to get more ratings if the very guests that were on it are telling people not to watch because it distorts actual events? They just don't get it. Sometimes it happens with books too, when an editor changes things too much.