
Thanks for playing. You have some good suggestions, but the social networks ban could be a civil liberties issue that won't go anywhere. Plus, they are private businesses. Anyway, like ISIS, once the government catches on they switch to some encrypted social media app.

Here's mine (not in any order):
1.) Apply RICO Act to violent gangsters and whole gangs and put them away with long sentences.
2.) Organize a DEPUTIZED and armed neighborhood watch-style group that only includes law-abiding people who work in the community to patrol the streets, communicate, make citizen's arrests, and monitor.
3.) Bring in rappers and other celebrities who are anti-gang to speak in schools.
4.) "Create a task force to root out more corruption within the political system and law enforcement." Would add that this include state and federal people on it.
5.) Legalize and tax and regulate illicit drugs.
6.) Increase sentencing for violent crimes. If someone intentionally injures someone else and the victim suffers loss of limb or permanent severe damage, the penalty will be no less than 20 years before parole and restitution. If someone intentionally murders someone else, then the penalty is life without parole.
7.) Create legislation that encourages fathers to stay in the home with their families. Teach "fair fighting" and mutual respect and other techniques starting in middle school.
8.) After the crime rate has significantly gone down and safety increased, create enterprise zones in the community.
9.) Push vocational training in schools to provide options for those who choose not to go to college or those who want to hold off going to college.