This has been a popular question on the board and a chance for us old frogs to reminesce (sp?).

I read the book shortly after it came out and couldn't wait to see the movie. Lots of hype about casting; Brando was miscast, he's washed up, James Caan? he doesn't look Italian, who is this Pacino guy? Then there was all the conjecture about the horsehead scene. I don't remember exactly when I saw it, but it was during its first run. It ran in one movie house in Rockland County (suburb of NYC), and its was packed for weeks. Having seen the movie countless times it is hard to remember the original impact, but here I am 30+ years later still watching it, reading it, quoting it and talking about it.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12