Ooh and for the record, IM one of the ones guys like you are always whining about. Like," Why can't they go to school, or not sell drugs, or hold a job", yada, ya da...

It fit every cliche you can name, yet if you met me in person you would NEVER BE ABLE TO TELL. Cause that's how MEN carry themselves, did you really bring up your goddamn GRANDFATHER? I grew up IN A CRIME FAMILY, yet was still smart enough to get skipped two grades.
Lol... Dude stop it, and answer the fuckin question, why were you fascinated by PRISON, MR COLLEGE GRADUATE? Why weren't you in that thread bashing those guys for living a street life? ( and turning their life around, I might add) Cause they were Italian? Lame as hell.....
Dude if we were in classroom, I would mop the floor with you, and I suspect if you were in the streets you would be a pussy there too...