Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
This is an example of why I hate to talk to suburban ass people about the streets.


You were just in a fuckin thread talking about "How fascinating" it was to hear about guys who have been to prison. Yet hear you are bashing the lifestyle that you are clearly infatuated with. And why the fuck do you even care? From Beverly Hills? None of the shit you talk (rather whine) about even affects you at all. And you don't know shit about Chicago or the politics. Or the mob, actually, I have yet to see you make ONE informative post. You just on that fanboy nonsense, funny how no one calls you out though....

You could talk to people like this till you are blue in the face, about the policies behind narcotics trafficking and the politics. You could talk about systemic police corruption, privatized prisons and the links to the judicial system.
I would never look at a Mexican and be like " Damn, your country is fucked, all that narcotics trafficking and violence, why don't y'all get it together" , cause I know it's more complicated then that.

lol I don't know shit about the mob? That's hilarious coming from somebody who has no idea who I am. I can't have an opinion because I don't live in the ghetto like you? Unlike you, I actually went to college and graduated, and made something of myself. My grandfather was born and raised in the poorest of poorest circumstances in the Bronx, and neither he or his nine siblings turned to crime. They all made something of themselves. What are you doing with your life?

And no, I'm no fanboy. I find bums entertaining. I find you entertaining.