So I'm English but American politics is fascinating to follow, I try to be objective, Iv'e liked Presidents from both the Democrats and Republicans. I would love feedback from Americans on here on what might be happening to the Republican party and how they may go into a severe decline.
Firstly I just cannot see Cruz or Trump being President, Cruz is hated by even his own party and far too conservative for moderate people. Trump would get destroyed in an election, and its not that Hilary is that good, Trump is loved by many but detested by a lot more.
So if this happens it will be 12 years since a Republican won the White house, and if she got another term 16 years of Democrats. Despite many thinking Obama's first term was poor he still comfortably won in 2012 which shocked many Republicans. How can they break this cycle?
A problem I see for them is generally society in the West is getting more and more liberal whether people like it or not, gay marriage, abortion, views on guns etc. However the candidates running for office this year from the Republican side were very conservative on abortion, 2nd Ammendement, Immigration, gay marriage etc. I could imagine if one of those running said they wanted tougher gun laws they would get ridiculed at the GOP debates.
It seems there caught between trying to win primaries, which means having to pander to Evangelicals,interest groups like the NRA and having to have very strong views on abortion, guns etc but then after that process having to then appeal to the general population.
How are they going to win a Presidency in the near future if they don't adapt to the modern climate? All these candidates are always citing Reagan as an inspiration to them yet they are far more conservative than him.
Could we see candidates in the future who do away with social conservatism and be pro-life?, not attempting to stop gay marriage and agree to some gun control?
Also just a side note, in all the interviews and debates from the Republicans this election they have never once said anything positive about trying to help the environment, cut emissions etc, which again is important to many. I know some would say changing there stances drastically would mean there liberals but are they going to have to make concessions?
But what do you guys think? whats the future? Where do they go from here?