Crime is not crime. There is organized and disorganized crime. It's as different as apples and oranges. Now is it morally different? Absolutely not. Breaking the law in the name of organized crime is not in any way shape or form morally better. Which is what I'm sure you meant. The whole point of the post was to put it to rest some of these posters on here who ask about "wars" and all that nonsense. You will NEVER see another mafia "war". Yes there may be disputes that result in property damage, beatings of associates, maybe even the odd hit or two but there will never be a war in the streets like the Colombo thing in the 90s. I think even more "loose cannon" groups such as the Albanians and Russians are smart enough to realize that bloodshed like that doesn't benefit anyone. Now Mexican cartels are a lik different but once again, they simply don't operate in the same sphere as American LCN.

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man and those of us who have hunted armed men and like it, care for nothing else thereafter." -Ernest Hemingway