I mostly agree with you, couple things though;

Your Burger King analogy, lol. You shoulda said the neighborhood burger joint or the bodega restaurant, Burger King is like a Fortune 500 right? That's like saying it's better to have the BEST steakhouse in midtown as opposed to, like McDonalds, lol, it's not.

On the Gd thing, the kid asked if the BDs were stronger than the outfit;
I mentioned the GDs from the NINTIES, cause it was the most " mafia-ish" gang, this is outta the police's mouth not mine. And the one that came the closest to resembling a mafia style crime syndicate, again I made allusions to, fuck what was it 21st century vote? I drew parrelles to the old outfit tactics of having crews influencing voters, THATS how I actually think that thing woulda eventually turned out, with Hoover giving orders from prison like, tell the neighborhoods to vote for so and so, the Feds couldn't have that.

Now, and Ivey can attest to this, I actually argue all the time that counting the made members is not exactly a good way to gage the strenght of the organization, you gotta look at the actual rackets and operations involved, I think we agree here. I mentioned the Feds estimate of their membership back then, like 30000, ( and again, like Black Fam stated those numbers are probably inflated, buuuuuuut, it came from the FEDS RIGHT?, lol) that's literally enough guys to put a crew on every Outfit guy 24 hours a day, but of course it would never happen.

I don't know, like THAT thread irritated you like that? Why? I mean I read about every thing from Mafia, ( and I don't mean JUST NY, I read about ALL of it)
To cartels, (and I don't mean JUST the Mexicans, lol, you know there was a Kaszakhstani CAVIAR cartel, shit was like 8000 a kilo) Like your reaction to the thread says more to me than anything. I've seen the dumbest threads imaginable and they don't make me feel anything ( examples; Most handsome mobster, biggest house, Lincoln or Cadillacs, any thread about this Alite dude, lol)

I don't know, anyway like I said I think anyone who actually pays attention to this stuff agrees with you, any thoughts?