BTW Met her after a Knicks at Sixers game that me and my boys took the road trip to see and we went out in South Philly afterwards, don't ever date a South Philly girl, word to the wise! LOL.... (I've shared this before but the highlight of my relationship with her was one night in March 2014 we were out at Quattro in South Philly and I witnessed Sonny Mazzone light a stink bomb and throw it into a packed men's room on a Saturday night and run away laughing, made me laugh so hard!) I wish I snapped a pic of him giggling and running away after lighting it, it's one of the funniest sights my eyes have ever seen just the facial expressions and because he looks like he's from Mice of Men

Last edited by DanteMoltisanti; 03/25/16 10:49 PM.