Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: DanteMoltisanti

Im aware of the same relationship, please don't say anything on here because there's also a few working stiffs involved that I wouldn't want to see lose their jobs. It's not that well known yet, so why say it in here and have some innocent laborers lose their jobs just so some jerk off Mormon in Utah can get his hard on over the mob....

Well somebody woke up all full of piss and vinegar.

I got news for you, pal. If you believe anyone is losing their job over stuff posted on a message board, you're even dumber than you sound.

No, but law enforcement checks in on these forums. Try having a beer once, just once! I promise you it's better than sitting in your basement all day in whatever Mormon hellhole town you reside in all day , researching the mafia...you not act like such a hard on after just one beer, I'm thinking