Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
The problem is that the Russia help Assad because give a mediterranean port for the Russian navy.
Assad had his back cover ed and can do whatever he want. Solve the problem ? Kill Assad and will end the sirian civil war.
Want to stop the Isis ? Say to USA to seno 10,000 motherfucker heavy armed with tanks and helicopters and they will eat the fucking Isis.

Im agree with faithful: you want to stay in my country ? Ok, learn the leanguage,find a job, seno your sons to the school.

For the mosque and madrasse we live in the civil states so we cant surveille every mullah.

Problem with killing Assad is that there are many groups just as bad as ISIS waiting to take over.

Isnt true if Assad and/or the Isis would elimonated the other gruops apart the kurdish that fight for create a free kurdistan,the other groups only wanted to see Assad dead and will find an agreement because they too are tired of 5 y of civil war.