Binnie, your honest post will likely just be ignored...but good on you for at least being honest.

Boss, Im not really on a crusade against hunting, I just don't understand where the fun is in shooting animals? Why? Its the same as these assholes who go on safari and shoot rhinos fuck? I'd love to throw those people into a lions den, maybe with a knife, and see if they get the same thrill...I'm sure it'd become an olympic sport in the lion word!

Theres no way Id trust an amateur "hunter" with a handgun, they obviously are itching to shoot moving targets.

Dude, you need to start telling people they are wrong. Im all for people being free to do whatever they want but when their actions start to impact or cause threat to others, it needs to be addressed. (And yes, my jabs are sometimes light hearted, childish, never! but for good reason. Its a website, not a pious debating society. Yes, lets gets reasoned arguments, but lets keep it slightly entertaining as well, otherwise you'd be as well sitting down to Noam Chomsky lecture on youtube)