Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Im reading Vinny Teresas book and so far its great lotta info I had no idea about and I highly recommend it..was hoping someone could clear something up..in the book he describes Jerry Angiulo as the boss of Boston but basically as the top capo in the Patriarca fam and says that Henry Tameleo is Raymonds underboss..ive always thought based on previous readings that Jerry Angiulo was the Underboss and Tameleo was the consigliere? Can amy of the more knowledgeable posters clear that up?

Does anyone have any insight on this? Still reading this book and way confused about if Jerry is the UB or if Tameleo is from the 60s- until Henry went away.

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"