There's nothing wrong with the EU as a concept, but the individual member countries are damaging the Union with bad economic and immigration policies. Some of the countries are big welfare and democratic socialist states that are losing money and have little to no economic growth, so when Greece goes bankrupt the other countries are expected to carry the slack. In reality, since most of the countries aren't doing well the burden goes to those that are, like Germany. As part of joining the union, member states should not have been allowed to engage in extreme welfare statism and democratic socialism because they kill economies.

Second, many of the EU members have been committing suicide by allowing mass immigration of Muslims, especially those who want to impose Shari'a. That combined with far-Left political correctness that gives special privileges to Muslims while taking them away from Christian is going to have similar effects to the de-Christianization of Revolutionary France: tyranny and mass murder. Meanwhile, those who reject Islamic supremacy are regularly labeled by the press as "far right" and marginalized. Clearly neo-Nazism should be marginalized, but parties that promote free markets and reject Islamic supremacism should not be. A rejection of Islamic supremacy is NOT a rejection of all Muslims, but it does reject those who want to impose their religion on others and hold such ideas as killing apostates and a denial or rights to women. Now Germany, Sweden and other countries regularly downplay stories of rape by Muslim immigrants. What about the rights of the victims? Why are they being ignored?

So taken together, economic stupidity, giving in to Islamic supremacists, and the far-Left protecting them to the detriment of the victims, may lead to the end of the EU.