Originally Posted By: BillyBrizzi
I'm amazed at how many people over here think the EU will end..

The EU isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future..

Billy, the European Union was born as an idea in the 50s, first as an economic community and then as a set of states.
Was yearn for the United States of Europe with its own army, all that things collided with the harsh reality.
In the end the only things that holds Europe together is the euro and the Schengen treaty.
If at the end each state is free to suspend Schengen, what will prevent such a state, to unilaterally go out from the euro?

Unfortunately because of the crisis in many countries come to government more xenophobic parties who don't want the European Union that, after the 2009 crisis has not been able to help those countries in difficulty rather scornfully called it P.I.G.S. namely Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

the European Union is an idea for which Europe and its people must be together to be stronger and help each other. This is the theory

In practice emerge germany who feels the teacher in Europe, followed by France, Eastern European countries which have done so much to get in the union now they want to get out of it because it is not cheaper to stay in the union; Meanwhile Italy and Greece are left to themselves in handling the migration management.
northern europe in words helps the southern countries and the Balkans, and all do to repel migrants.

What I would say is that: if the EU is an empty shell and is more convenient for the Italy to turn back to the lire and rebuilt the economy,ok the eu has a good esperience but is failed.

I study law and the european parliament spent 2 y for find a important decision and there are a lack od democrazy in the parliament.

So if schengen can be easly suspended the next step will be to go out of euro.

I hope was clear.