Buffalo is about as defunct as you can get. I don't think Chicago is going anywhere, because nobody knows what's going on, doesn't really equate to there not being any activity. Only someone from Chicago who's around those guys would know. And according to some of those guys on this forum, there are young guys involved in what we'd call "The Outfit". The thing is, like myself, Cabrini, Snakes and others have mentioned before, you can be a part of The Outfit, without being a made member.

Detroit I think is still active, but Id say they might be more of a corporate thing with the D'Anna's locked up. So they might be the next to go the way of the dodo bird. At least as long as they continue to focus on legitimacy. I dont know if they are or not though. I'm just judging off Tony Pal's recent medical insurance sale.

I think the Trafficantes are defunct and Florida is an open city, as always but the only families out there are NY based ones.

NY families arent going anywhere, they recently shut down oUr Organized Crime Units in the NYPD due to lack of funding. So that's only a plus for the families. Means it's more work to do for the FBI with absolutely no help from our local police department.